Our Church

What is it like?

Friendly, informal, an opportunity to find out more about God, faith and an amazing new way to live your life.

We aim to cater for all ages at our different services, get in touch to see what might suit you best. A great place to start is our All Age Service on Sunday at Lunchtime.

I’m new, what should I expect?

If you come and see what we are like at our All Age Service on Sundays at 11:30am you will discover a wide range of people from babies and toddlers to OAP’s!  Our church is full of ordinary people and there really is something for everyone.  In a usual service you will be given a warm welcome, then there is time of singing led by our band, the person leading will pray and then a speaker will give a talk based on the Bible.  Our service usually lasts one hour and there are creche facilities as well as a specific program for 8-14 yr olds that runs simultaneously.

Is it for me?


You don’t need to wear anything special, bring anything or even say anything . . . just come and be yourself!

Our faith

Who is Jesus?

The Bible records that Jesus was a man who lived in Israel 2000 years ago and uniquely he was able to forgive sins; he had the power to heal, power over nature, power over demons even power over death.  He was able to do this because Jesus is God.

God promised to send a chosen King to make a special people for himself, Jesus is that chosen King.  We were unable to be God’s special people because our hearts were against God.  Jesus’ death made it possible for our relationship with God to be restored if we choose Jesus as King of our lives.  Jesus has risen from the dead and is now reigning in Heaven as King.

What’s the Bible all about?

The Bible tells the story of God making a special people for himself.  It is written by different authors over time but each one was uniquely inspired by God to write down God’s words.  The Bible also instructs us in the best way to live as God’s special people and its instructions are not just relevant today, they are essential!

Vision and Values

Cutsyke Christian Church is a place to find out about God and it is also a place to belong for God’s special people.  It uses the Bible in every circumstance to instruct the church and encourages the church to follow its teaching and the example of Jesus’ life.  In this place to belong, we hope that God’s special people can become more like Jesus and serve each other, the community of Cutsyke and the wider world.